Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Dream Fund: Finding Money to Launch, Develop and Grow Your Business

Your Dream Fund: Finding Money to Launch, Develop and Grow Your Business

Follow Your Heart...
If your Soulistic Adventure brings you to a realization that you want out of the matrix and want to start your own business, then check out the above for some helpful information.

Life is too short.  There is no reason we have to settle for "less than".  That is what gets us all into a mess.  Yes, it takes hard work, but wouldn't you rather be working from a place of love, from honoring what's in your heart and soul and then learning how to make a living doing what you love.  YOU CAN DO IT!

....and the money will follow.
Honestly, I think the world would be a better place if we simply lived by way of our GIFTS, not by what the world has mandated.  Be careful of group thinking as we too often get pulled into something that truly does not resonate with ourselves.  Stay strong and true to yourself.  Listen to your senses, get back in touch with what matters to you and how you need to live with integrity to yourself.

It truly is common sense, so buckle up and simply start charting your path back to YOU.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Lost?  Maybe you need a coach - someone who can be in your corner to help you re-engage your natural abilities and get back on track - be it in mind, body or spirit.  Living with integrity to yourself and having FUN in life can truly be yours.  It's within already!!!   Click here to learn more.