Thursday, May 31, 2012

For the Love of Artichokes

ARTICHOKES- a mindful choice, but what is it?


In early Summer, spending more time in the outdoors when air is saturated with increased oxygen from recent plant growth, and the sun provides us with a healthy dose of Vitamin D, it does the body, mind and spirit good. So does eating foods that are in season.

Eating seasonal foods increases not only the highest nutritional value from food, but it also aligns with our bodies' seasonal needs to receive optimum health benefits. Mother Nature is no fool.... vending machines.?...another story!

In early Summer, there are several high quality seasonal foods, but one of my favorites is the (drum roll)...

Artichokes are funny looking things, and at first glance they certainly do not look edible; especially with those thorny leaves, but they are fun to eat and quite tastey.


Not only that, but they are loaded with many health benefits including:

FOLATE:   B vitamin, promotes new cell growth, supports and maintains healthy cell growth, boosts immune system, protects DNA

MAGNESIUM:   Mineral, boosts energy production, increases calcium absorption, supports healthy nerves, aids detoxification

FIBER:   Aids and supports healthy digestion and assimilation of nutrients

Is an artichoke a fruit or a vegetable? - Good question!
Per The Phytophactor, The artichoke is an immature (at the stage we eat it) thistle. It's name artichoke is derived from the Turkish word for thistle. When it flowers, it is a nice big purple thistle. However to call it a flower or flower bud is not correct either. Like all the other members of the Aster or Sunflower family, the artichoke clusters a lot of small flowers together into a head, an inflorescence, that has the appearance of a single flower, a nice way for small flowers to have a big visual impact and attract more pollinators.

You can see the ovaries (little oval-shaped things) of each flower lining the cup-like receptacle, and each of these will make a single-seeded fruit called an achene. The sunflower "seeds" are actually one-seeded fruits where we discard the dry fruit and eat the seed. But thistle "seeds" are too small for any human benefit.
Fruits are flowers at the stage of seed dispersal, after pollination, and after development of the fruit (from the ovary) and the seeds. Some fruits are eaten at an immature stage (bush beans, okra, cucumbers) and others are eaten when the seeds are mature (tomato, apple).

So if we use pollination as the dividing line, then pre-pollination flowers (broccoli) would be vegetables. But even then the flowers of artichokes aren't eaten. The part of the artichoke that is consumed is the fleshy receptacle and the fleshy bases (both sort of cream colored) of the bracts (modified leaves) that surround the flowers. And like broccoli, most of what is eaten in the artichoke are these vegetative parts associated with the flowers.

So basically, the answer artichokes is a vegetable.

 For a quick and easy basic recipe, click here.

To the adventure,

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Get Your Buns Outdoors - And Off that Grill!

Lakeside areas great for swimming, frisbee, canoeing, jogging.
On June 20, Summer officially begins, but don't wait till then to get your buns outdoors, enjoying nature and moving that body!

June is designated as the Great Outdoors Month!   In 1988, then-President Clinton began the recognition of Great Outdoors Week. Since 2004, Presidential proclamation of Great Outdoors Month has been recognized annually, celebrating a variety of important events and actions that occur during the month. Great Outdoors Month highlights the benefits of active fun outdoors and our magnificent shared resources of forests, parks, refuges, and other public lands and waters. For more information, check out:

Personally, I love the outdoors and especially exercising outside. It is so enjoyable and rewarding for so many reasons such as (and these are just a few):
  1. Fresh air (at least more fresh than recirculated air inside a building)
  2. Invigorating scenery - lots of sights, sounds, smells - it's "sense"-ational
  3. Sustainable workouts - workouts can be sustained longer since it is a more enjoyable & pleasurable experience
  4. Unexpected surprises - you may run into an old friend, meet someone new, or find a new trail to explore
  5. Promotes creativity - allows your mind to wander; maybe resolve some lingering problem or get stimulated to start a project you've been delaying, all the while doing something really great for your body
  6. Sense of Freedom - with so much space to move around, it is quite freeing

In the near future, Soulistic Adventures will be offering outdoor programs for the body, mind and spirit which you can read more about under Soul Play & Soul Excursion Adventures.  In the meantime, I encourage you to be adventurous now!  Seek out and "explore" what outdoor resources are available to you - in your local area and start incorporating fun outdoor activities that engage your body, mind and spirit!
Inhale and breath in the great outdoors!!!  aaaahhhhhh!!!
Oh! If you haven't figured out what to do yet for Summer vacation, you may want to consider visiting one of our great National Parks located throughout the United States. My husband and I have gone to many over the years, and they have been some of our greatest vacations. Being in nature and seeing the great outdoors brings a new appreciation to our lives; a sense of balance, value, purpose, happiness, respect, awe and a reminder that we are connected to our world, a higher source and to each other. To explore our National Parks, go to:

Enjoy dear friends and get your buns outdoors - and leave those bread buns behind unless you want a bigger behind!!!   ha ha!

To the adventure,

For more body, mind & spirit adventures, visit:

Need a coach to get you back on track & in the driver seat of your life?
Schedule your FREE consultation now! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Organic Foods Gotcha Running Scared?

Exposing Fruits & Veggies
Aaaaaahhhh!!!!  It's organic!!!

Okay - so I think you know I have a sense of humor.... and that is why this photo cracks me up every time I look at it.  I hope it doesn't offend anyone, as it is harmless - I just think the expressions are hilarious!
Now, let's get down to business! 

I just wanted to "expose" a few basic helpful hints surrounding organic foods - specifically fruits and vegetables (meat and dairy next time).

Don't be scared and confused by all the organic "labels" out there - simply gather the information you need in order to make an educated decision to support your lifestyle, health and well-being.

There is a lot of valuable and available information out there, so I encourage you to explore the information and take responsibility for your health.  However, first, let's look quickly at the basic differences between Organic vs. Non-Organic in the chart below:

Organic  vs.  Non-Organic Produce - Fruits & Vegetables
Organic produce:
Non-Organic Produce:
No Pesticides
Pesticides Used
·         Grown with natural fertilizers (manure, compost)
·         Grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers
·         Weeds are controlled naturally (crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching and tilling)
·         Weeds are controlled with chemical herbicides
·         Insects are controlled using natural methods (birds, good insects, traps)
·         Insecticides are used to manage pests and disease.

Just given those few differences above, it is clear why Organic is better than Non-Organic, right?  No need to be a rocket scientist to understand this.   Why would you want to put anything unnatural into your body?  

Given that the reality for most of us is having to rely on "others" to provide us with the food we eat, it is important that we all become as educated and responsible to understanding this food chain - the trail of how it gets to our mouths - as much as possible in order to make the best personal choices for our own health, and if so moved, to take it even further and play an active role in contributing to healthier solutions to provide the best possible sources of nutrition in our local communities and our world at large.

Why is Organic Food Often More Expensive if it is the Healthier Way to Go for Society?
Organic food is more labor intensive since the farmers do not use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or drugs.  Organic certification and maintaining this status is expensive - sadly.  Organic feed for animals can cost twice as much.  Organic farms tend to be smaller than conventional farms, which means fixed costs and overhead must be disturbed across smaller produce volumes.  Most organic farms are too small to receive government subsidies.  In other words - MONEY is king here, not the health and well-being of our world citizens.   I seriously doubt that with the brilliant minds we have in this world, that a solution could not be found where there is a win/win situation.  Feel free to comment below with some ideas/solutions.

What Can You Do Right Now to Take Responsibility for Yourself?
  • When at the grocery store, purchase organic versions of the foods you eat the most of and that are known as being highest in pesticides when conventionally grown.  In other words, if you eat a lot of bell peppers or strawberries, they are both produced using high amounts of pesticides.  So, you would want to buy organic in this case. (see Organic Consumers Association for a more detailed list)

  • Shop at Farmer's Markets - a great and enjoyable way to buy fresh produce direct from producer to consumer

  • Join a food co-op - they typically offer lower prices to members, however you do not have to be a member to shop there

  • Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm - where individuals and families join up to purchase "shares" of produce in bulk directly from a local farm.

  • Buy produce that is in season - the more "real" it is since it is being grown in natural time with the seasons

So, don't be scared.  Just educate yourself and then make the right choices for you.  Don't settle for less than the best for you especially when it comes to your health.  Your body will love you for it.

To the adventure,

Visit for inner self adventures that support your path to well-being in body, mind & spirit.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Mark your calendars and start laughing!!!!!

World Laughter Day is this Sunday, May 6.  

World Laughter Day was created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. Its popularity has grown exponentially with that of the Laughter Yoga movement now counting over 6000 Laughter Clubs in more than 65 countries.

For more information about World Laughter Day and to find some local events in your area, check out .  If you can't find an event nearby, don't let that stop you.   Find a local laughter club in your area and/or check into becoming a certified laughter leader at  or  The world could use more laughing and we need everyone!

I took my Laughter Yoga Leader training a couple years ago, and I never felt so awesome after that weekend.  I was so elated and energized yet, interestingly at the same time, at peace and very calm.  It was such a "feel good" experience and beautiful how it brought the whole group together in a such a joyful and loving way - a real sense of community and lots of genuine sharing.   I have since led several Laughter Yoga classes and every single one was a joy and filled with so much positivity.  Only smiles, clarity and feel good faces.  That is why WORLD PEACE THROUGH LAUGHTER is such a wonderful initiative, and I highly recommend integrating laughter in your life - daily if possible - creating a laughter practice of your own - or even start your own laughter club - why not?!!

Benefits of Laughter include:

L aughter releases endorphines, giving a "feel good factor"
A cts like aerobic exercise - as "internal jogging"
U nleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers
G reat team building tool encouraging better communication
H elps boost our immune system which helps resist disease
T ones muscles, improve respiration and circulation
E ncourages positive thinking and creativity
R elaxes the whole body by reducing stress and tension

WOW!  Can't go wrong here!!!

Keep an eye out for my future Laughter Yoga programs under Soul Play Adventures.  Laughter is a big part of my life and so you will find laughter sprinkled into many of my programs - not to mention, I giggle often throughout my day.

If you have not already joined my mailing list and want to be kept informed about future Laughter Programs, please visit my website at and Join the Adventure!!

Together, let's uplift our world - can't think of a more joyous way than through laughter!

Hope to laugh with you soon!

To the adventure,

For adventures with Laughter, click here!