Friday, December 21, 2012

A New Day of Possibilities - 12/21/12

Just a short blurb about December 12, 2012.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Sign up for my newsletter and stay "in the know" as I develop my vision of possibilities one step at a time.

The Meaning of My Logo - Mindful and of Purpose


Since today, December 21, 2012, represents a significant day, largely due to the awareness around the Mayan calendar, I thought it would be nice to share what my logo represents. 
My logo was consciously created to have meaning as my business was born out of the need to stand up and be who I am in this world and to live my life with purpose from here on out.  So, I sat down one day and drafted many renditions as I looked at my vision board for inspiration as to how to describe my voice visually.
So, I'll start with the Mayan connection.  As with many cultures, we humans always seem to find a need to associate ourselves with a higher source and to create a code of sorts (or symbols) to help identify the nature of who we are and to understand our existence and to find a connection to something bigger than us. I find that all very interesting.  So, when I look up to see what my birthdate reveals as my Mayan Code or Galactic Signature, I am Red Cosmic SkywalkerInteresting that within the definition, it represents exploring, navigation and wakefulness - hence, "Adventures" in Soulistic Adventures resonates perfectly - and note it happened naturally. No coincidences they say (wink).
Within my code
, I have what's known as Tone 13 which is represented by the 3 dots and 2 lines.  The definition of Tone 13 is about Universal Movement which is, indeed, my highest intention within my vision and fits me perfectly.  I love to move - to move my body, to move forward intellectually, to move forward with personal goals - just to keep moving.  I get bored easily, so movement is crucial for thriving, exploring, creating, and living in possibilities. I can't sit still too often without having the need to move on, to seek answers and create change because I don't always accept  things as they "are" because I believe we create what "is"  a lot of the time and at the end of the day - that responsibility falls on me to move it! To take action. Actions speak louder than words, right?

Below is a further detailed explanation about Tone 13 which you may find interesting.  If you want to look up your own, visit: and just plug in your birthdate. Remember, it's fun to explore. This is just another means to gather information, but only you know inside who you are and how Spirit speaks and leads you. Use information with discernment.
Native Name: OXLAHUN [osh-la-hoon]
Qualities: wild card, unseen forces, unexpected change, open system, touch of destiny, interdimensional shift
The thirteenth tone calls forth the greater pattern. The hand of fate beckons and then catapults you free to journey home.
Thirteen is the ray of universal movement, the foundation of self within the foundation of Essence Self combined with the rhythm of the trinity. Thirteen touches you with the hand of unseen forces and radical change. It will catalyze into movement whatever resists change or is unexamined or stationary. You are being touched by fate, moved through identifications of self into open consciousness.
Olin, the Mayan goddess of movement, asks you to surrender to the perfection of the larger pattern of your Essence Self. From the perspective of surrender and trust, what movement is being called for? Pay attention to synchronicities and seeming coincidences that jump into your awareness. Thirteen provides the possibility of a radical “frequency shift,” offering you limitless new openings. Become a skywalker. Be open and flexible, allowing changing reference points to become dynamic allies. Open to the workings of destiny offered by universal movement.
Second, to mention is the letter "A", which I accented on purpose to represent and honor the "trinity".  Not only is the trinity referenced in my Mayan Tone, but it represents the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Past, Present, Future; Body, Mind and Spirit; Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions; and so many others.

The colors I chose represent the 7 Main Chakras known within the human body, and the placement of colors was intentional as well. All 7 colors surround and/or are within the trinity.  The 6th & 7th chakras are the two lines that intercept the trinity, binding highest intentions for the highest good. The purest form that leads my intentions.

- BASE/ROOT/1st CHAKRA - Associated with Your Body, Touch, See, Smell, Taste, Physical Goals, Sex
ORANGE - SACRAL/2nd CHAKRA - Associated with Social Interactions, Happiness, Creativity, Pleasure
YELLOW - SOLAR PLEXUS/3rd CHAKRA - Associated with Activity, Learning, Excitement, Optimism, Self-Worth
GREEN - HEART/4th CHAKRA - Associated with Love, Family, Compassion, Growth, Support, Financial Stability
BLUE - THROAT/5th CHAKRA - Associated with Truth, Beauty, Purity, Enlightenment, Self-Expression, Communication
INDIGO - THIRD EYE/6th CHAKRA - Associated with Seeing more than meets the eye, Intuition, Creativity, Self-Responsibility
VIOLET - CROWN/7th CHAKRA - Associated with Spirituality, Self-Knowledge, Teaching, Inspiration, Artistic Expression

Lastly, the logo is balanced out with 9 letters on each side of the "A" accentuated with the chakra color green for HEART and chakra color BLUE for throat...which represents speaking your voice from the heart. My business is to represent purely from the heart, expressed through many voices of expression.

So, there ya have it!  My business is created out of the purest intention to connect with Spirit to bring forth and manifest Universal Movement towards the highest good for us all.  I am purely a vehicle to assist with manifesting change.  My desire and intention is to help others do the same through the visions and gifts I can offer in my lifetime. 

To all of our Soulistic Adventures,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Sign up for my newsletter and stay "in the know" as I develop my vision one step at a time.

Want the same for you?  Free up your body, mind and spirit through my programs now and in the future. If I can do it, so can you.

Want to know how? Need a boost for your own vision?  Check out my coaching programs then request a free coaching session and let's start your Soulistic Adventure now!  YOU MATTER!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On My Way to Nia

On my soulistic journey to teach my Nia class in my car Phyllis. Phyllis is my trustworthy pal who takes me from adventure to adventure.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Join my newsletter and keep in the loop as to programs and happenings at Soulistic Adventures.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Soulistic Adventures Voice

It's time to hear my Soulistic Adventure.
It's time to hear my Soulistic Adventure.

listen to ‘Welcome ’ on Audioboo

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Join my newsletter and keep in the loop as to programs and happenings at Soulistic Adventures. Need help to get started on your own soulistic adventure?  Contact me now.  I'm ready to help.

Your Daily Veta Vita Laughamin

I started my day today with laughter. It truly is a fun way to get the oxygen flowing and to clear the head.  Nothing like waking up with worry already on the mind or some strange dream affecting your morning. 

Today's laughercise was performed on the floor.  I laid down on my back and brought my knees into my chest.  From there, it just let loose. This is a common exercise in Laughter Yoga.  It really helps release tension and enable the laughter to flow.  Think about it...when you get a good belly laugh going, don't you bend over holding your stomach? This position does that for you and that's why the pathway to laughter really opens up in this position. 

Give it a try!  Warning:  Beware of feeling great.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Join my newsletter and keep in the loop as to programs and happenings at Soulistic Adventures.

Your Daily Veta Vita Laughamin

Oh, come on. Don't be so serious. Don't let a day go by without a laugh. Your body, mind and spirit will love you for it.

More coming.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Laughing is no laughing matter. The benefits are real. Sign up for my newsletter and stay connected to upcoming Laughter Programs for your health and spiritual well-being. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 "Sense"able Ways to Deal with Holiday Consumerism Madness

Get Back To Your Senses During the Holidays

Is this you during the Holidays?
How much do we really need?  I mean honestly.  Every year the bombardment of consumerism comes at us earlier than the year before.  Isn't our economy still floundering and aren't we all feeling the pinch?  If we fall to the lure of believing everything we hear, then why are we also running out the door and buying, buying, buying? It's confusing, isn't it?  I refuse to believe that we are all mindless individuals, so why have our senses become de-"sense"itized with this consumerism madness we experience every Holiday Season?

It's sad to see the news reporting how people line up the night before to get into a store and then, heaven forbid, witness people stampeding over each other to grab this stuff.  Have we all gone mad?!  Where is the common sense here?  Is this stuff going to make our lives better?

I know I look like that lady above some days because I get frustrated and overwhelmed by all of this in my face.  Could be that I walk through it every morning on my way to work in Manhattan down 5th Avenue and through Rockefeller Center, but no matter where you live, the craziness is there. 

Here are just a few thoughts of mine to share that may help get your senses back during the Holidays in case you share the same feelings as I:

1.  Listen to your own voice.  What messages are you listening to?  Who said you had to buy that?  Who said that was good for you? Who said this is how it has to be?  Listen to your own voice and determine what's right for you.  Don't believe everything you hear. Trust your inner voice.

2.  Be tasteful.  Watch out for buying a tasteless gift that has nothing to do with anything other than fulfilling some requirement of  "I've got to get a gift."  Often the simplest gestures are the most meaningful.  If overburdening yourself with time commitments, tastily decline an invitation. It was nice to be included, but you know better than anyone else if you are overdoing it and risking your well-being.  Follow-up at another time when you will be able to be more present. (ha! get it)

3.  Take a step back and look around.   Before stepping into the madness of the holiday momentum or if you are already caught in it, step back and be still.  Notice the beauty that already surrounds you and ask yourself, what do you really need?  How do you wish to partake in the holiday season and then create the experience that's meaningful and true to your needs, values and desires.
4.  If it doesn't smell right, leave it alone.  You know what I mean.  If someone is selling you a song and dance and your picking up the smell..... walk away.  Stay true to your instincts.

5.  Engage if it feels right.  Does it touch your heart? Does it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside or provoke a fond memory from the past.  Don't deny yourself to feel good.  Enjoy and live in the moment, but you decide based on how you feel. 
Juggling the holidays with your senses grounded.

The most precious and meaningful things are often intangible.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Interested in living a "sense"able lifestyle?  Check out my Soulistic Coaching Programs here.