Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Staying on Course With Your Dreams During Transition

I think one of the hardest things to do when you are in transition is to stay on course towards a new path - especially when following your dream. It is so easy to re-create the old way even if the old way was not in your best favor but because it is a familiar and comfortable feeling, it seems easier or more natural. It's crazy, but most of us do this. We like to punish ourselves. If you feel you are choosing a painful choice or the hard way, it may be a good idea to ask yourself "why?" before taking that next step.

So how does one handle staying on course towards his/her dream during transition?

1. If at all possible, do not choose the "to survive" choice especially if there is a choice! Really think carefully and get in tune with your feelings and how your body reacts for clues. If you are struggling with a decision, it's probably for a reason.

2. On a daily basis, stay clear and true to your ultimate goals so that your steps of today still, in some way, support the direction of your new path.

3.  Break out of the "comfortable" and stretch your imagination and your ability to get out there and make it happen. Don't hide behind the computer. Get out there to be heard and seen.

4.  Connect to others that support you and are of like-mind. You NEED support that believes in you and can uplift you. NO Debbie Downers.

5.  If you have determined it is ultimately necessary to choose a direction that is of immediate necessity, give it a time frame (a beginning and end) to be clear about it's purpose. This will help you understand it's value so that you can ensure it still plays a part towards your ultimate course of transition.

And by all means, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP on your dreams. It is a journey, your "soulistic adventure" and you owe it to yourself to seek, find and become YOUR happy, healthy and fully expressed self. The world is waiting for you.

To your adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Need help staying on course?  I offer Movement Coaching, a blend of holistic fitness, health and lifestyle coaching in order to keep you moving forward during transitions. I've been through plenty so far myself and know it's a part of life. Don't let it get you down; it's part of your soulistic adventure; and what an adventure it is. For more information on my coaching programs click here.

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