Friday, August 2, 2013

Maybe It Truly Is A Laughing Matter!

Maybe it's that's time again when everything seems to be going wrong and you just want to give up. When life gets too serious, may I recommend to simply..... LAUGH!!!! Laughter is the best free medicine out there.  When we laugh, we get the oxygen flowing. Different kinds of laughter uses different kinds of breathing methods...all done naturally without thinking. All you have to do is LET IT GO! The more you laugh, it will become contagious, and whatever was bothering you will be set free. Laughter feels great and puts things back into perspective. What a gift we all have. USE IT! After all, we humans are quite silly, aren't we?

Come on!...... Laugh with me.....

Now, let me know how you feel.

To your adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Need more laughter in your life?  Join my local Laughter Club with Meet Up and experience a world of laughing, stress relief and good healthy times with positive people.  For more about Laughter Yoga, visit my website and look under MOVEMENT where you will find Laughter Yoga Wellness.