Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Time for Everything?

Every single one of us is exposed to a magnitude of emotions and feelings as we move through our lives.  So many ups and downs, productive times, lazy times; twists and turn; happy times, sad times; stressful times, joyful times; serious times, silly times; work hard, play hard; cry, laugh; devastation, exhilaration; prosperity, scarcity; nervousness, confidence; birth and eventually name it.  It's a lot for the human body, mind and spirit.

So how does one move along and remain at peace or in a state of harmony?

Personally, I can think of a couple things to share:

  1. If I'm stressed, scared, pressured or anticipating an unpleasant task at hand, I recall the many times I felt that same emotion in the past AND GUESS WHAT?..I survived!   I use that reminder as a source of strength to know that I can handle what's ahead, and I will be just fine. 
  2.  I recall a favorite passage of mine from the Bible: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8... A Time for Everything. This passage makes perfect sense and helps me BE in the current state of reality knowing that it simply "is what it is for the moment"  and it will eventually pass and be replaced by another emotion.   This is life, so don't be afraid, worried or threatened.  Find strength and comfort knowing and allowing yourself to feel and experience it all.
  3. I think of the statement "the only thing that is constant is change"  and so I consciously realize that whatever it is I'm going through, I need to acknowledge it as it is real for the moment, knowing that it too will change
  4. I constantly recall the statements :  "Go with the flow", Let it Go" and
    This too shall pass"  - simple, to the point and allows room to experience all feelings/emotions. there a time for everything?  
What do you think?

To the adventure,

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