Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Mark your calendars and start laughing!!!!!

World Laughter Day is this Sunday, May 6.  

World Laughter Day was created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. Its popularity has grown exponentially with that of the Laughter Yoga movement now counting over 6000 Laughter Clubs in more than 65 countries.

For more information about World Laughter Day and to find some local events in your area, check out .  If you can't find an event nearby, don't let that stop you.   Find a local laughter club in your area and/or check into becoming a certified laughter leader at  or  The world could use more laughing and we need everyone!

I took my Laughter Yoga Leader training a couple years ago, and I never felt so awesome after that weekend.  I was so elated and energized yet, interestingly at the same time, at peace and very calm.  It was such a "feel good" experience and beautiful how it brought the whole group together in a such a joyful and loving way - a real sense of community and lots of genuine sharing.   I have since led several Laughter Yoga classes and every single one was a joy and filled with so much positivity.  Only smiles, clarity and feel good faces.  That is why WORLD PEACE THROUGH LAUGHTER is such a wonderful initiative, and I highly recommend integrating laughter in your life - daily if possible - creating a laughter practice of your own - or even start your own laughter club - why not?!!

Benefits of Laughter include:

L aughter releases endorphines, giving a "feel good factor"
A cts like aerobic exercise - as "internal jogging"
U nleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers
G reat team building tool encouraging better communication
H elps boost our immune system which helps resist disease
T ones muscles, improve respiration and circulation
E ncourages positive thinking and creativity
R elaxes the whole body by reducing stress and tension

WOW!  Can't go wrong here!!!

Keep an eye out for my future Laughter Yoga programs under Soul Play Adventures.  Laughter is a big part of my life and so you will find laughter sprinkled into many of my programs - not to mention, I giggle often throughout my day.

If you have not already joined my mailing list and want to be kept informed about future Laughter Programs, please visit my website at and Join the Adventure!!

Together, let's uplift our world - can't think of a more joyous way than through laughter!

Hope to laugh with you soon!

To the adventure,

For adventures with Laughter, click here!

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