Thursday, May 17, 2012

Organic Foods Gotcha Running Scared?

Exposing Fruits & Veggies
Aaaaaahhhh!!!!  It's organic!!!

Okay - so I think you know I have a sense of humor.... and that is why this photo cracks me up every time I look at it.  I hope it doesn't offend anyone, as it is harmless - I just think the expressions are hilarious!
Now, let's get down to business! 

I just wanted to "expose" a few basic helpful hints surrounding organic foods - specifically fruits and vegetables (meat and dairy next time).

Don't be scared and confused by all the organic "labels" out there - simply gather the information you need in order to make an educated decision to support your lifestyle, health and well-being.

There is a lot of valuable and available information out there, so I encourage you to explore the information and take responsibility for your health.  However, first, let's look quickly at the basic differences between Organic vs. Non-Organic in the chart below:

Organic  vs.  Non-Organic Produce - Fruits & Vegetables
Organic produce:
Non-Organic Produce:
No Pesticides
Pesticides Used
·         Grown with natural fertilizers (manure, compost)
·         Grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers
·         Weeds are controlled naturally (crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching and tilling)
·         Weeds are controlled with chemical herbicides
·         Insects are controlled using natural methods (birds, good insects, traps)
·         Insecticides are used to manage pests and disease.

Just given those few differences above, it is clear why Organic is better than Non-Organic, right?  No need to be a rocket scientist to understand this.   Why would you want to put anything unnatural into your body?  

Given that the reality for most of us is having to rely on "others" to provide us with the food we eat, it is important that we all become as educated and responsible to understanding this food chain - the trail of how it gets to our mouths - as much as possible in order to make the best personal choices for our own health, and if so moved, to take it even further and play an active role in contributing to healthier solutions to provide the best possible sources of nutrition in our local communities and our world at large.

Why is Organic Food Often More Expensive if it is the Healthier Way to Go for Society?
Organic food is more labor intensive since the farmers do not use pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or drugs.  Organic certification and maintaining this status is expensive - sadly.  Organic feed for animals can cost twice as much.  Organic farms tend to be smaller than conventional farms, which means fixed costs and overhead must be disturbed across smaller produce volumes.  Most organic farms are too small to receive government subsidies.  In other words - MONEY is king here, not the health and well-being of our world citizens.   I seriously doubt that with the brilliant minds we have in this world, that a solution could not be found where there is a win/win situation.  Feel free to comment below with some ideas/solutions.

What Can You Do Right Now to Take Responsibility for Yourself?
  • When at the grocery store, purchase organic versions of the foods you eat the most of and that are known as being highest in pesticides when conventionally grown.  In other words, if you eat a lot of bell peppers or strawberries, they are both produced using high amounts of pesticides.  So, you would want to buy organic in this case. (see Organic Consumers Association for a more detailed list)

  • Shop at Farmer's Markets - a great and enjoyable way to buy fresh produce direct from producer to consumer

  • Join a food co-op - they typically offer lower prices to members, however you do not have to be a member to shop there

  • Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm - where individuals and families join up to purchase "shares" of produce in bulk directly from a local farm.

  • Buy produce that is in season - the more "real" it is since it is being grown in natural time with the seasons

So, don't be scared.  Just educate yourself and then make the right choices for you.  Don't settle for less than the best for you especially when it comes to your health.  Your body will love you for it.

To the adventure,

Visit for inner self adventures that support your path to well-being in body, mind & spirit.

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