Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Got Baggage?

Who likes to pack for a trip?   Not me.  I love to travel no matter what time of year to see knew places and to explore new adventures.....BUT, the packing part is for some reason a real drag for me.  I always leave it for the last minute - delaying the torturous task as long as I can, then staying up for hours deciding on what I think I may need to wear!! Silly....but ugh! 

Weighed down by emotional/mental"baggage"
Well, how about that other baggage?  The kind you would not be upset if lost, in fact, you would LOVE to have it lost.  You know, the baggage that is invisible to the eye, but weighs you down mentally and emotionally and ever so heavy on the soul.   The kind that puts a cramp in your style, keeps you pointing fingers at others, makes you stay in pain choosing the same patterns of behaviour so you can't move forward, endlessly stuck in the sludge of being the victim either knowingly or not.  Anyone out there know what I mean?

Well, I was a part of the "I Got Baggage Club" for a long time.  I didn't always realize that was what was holding me back or getting in my way of moving towards the things I wanted.  However, as time moved on and through consistent and persistent searching and seeking to understand the patterns, the source, the reasons, the awareness, and the help to heal and move myself forward, I let that baggage go!  It is lost, and I never want to claim it back.   Instead, I choose to fill my body, mind and spirit with compassion, love and understanding realizing that at every single moment, I have control over my own BEing.   I can't control what comes AT me, but I can control the way I choose to maneuver in my life and THIS is what is freeing and very powerful for any individual.  
I'm baggage free!!!!!

Once you get in tune and honor your self in all ways - taking responsibility as to how you nourish your body, mind and soul - then you are able to set the baggage burden free and truly live with much more happiness and joy and open yourself up more freely to contribute and enjoy the world we live in and share with others.   You can participate with and contribute to the world on another level - adding an element of positive value rather than contributing to more pain, anger and hurt and frustration.  You are important.

Is this a perfect practice?  What's perfect?   Do you slip and get that unwelcomed knock on the door with the airport security guard dropping off the baggage you thought they lost?  "Dag nabbit! (ha)", you say.  "I thought I was done with that."  Yes, baggage can come back a-knockin, but the more you become aware and take responsibility, learn the lessons you need to learn and heal within, the less time the baggage has a hold on you and the more quickly you are able to move forward.

Got baggage?  

Then I suggest get moving and start doing the work it takes to LET IT GO!  Shake it off, cut those strings, lose it some where and be done with it.  Life is meant to be lived fully - NO BAGGAGE REQUIRED (who needs those extra fees anyways!!!)

To the adventure,

Need help to get "baggage free"?   Sign up for a FREE coaching consultation and let's get the process started.    For more fun and mindful body, mind and spirit programs to let go of baggage and get "in tune" with YOU, visit www.SoulisticAdventures.com


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