Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Got A Plan?

I don't know about you, but I can't stand when politicians repeatedly say "I got a plan", or "We got a plan".  To me, they are just flapping the jaw without really taking action; just saying what it takes to get re-elected and it ticks me off.  I seem to recall the old saying "actions speak louder than words"... so show me the action!

As hard as it may be, when I decide to turn my attitude around and take a look at how this applies to my life, I ask myself:  "Do I have a plan?" 

1. Am I all lofty in my thoughts, dreamy and being too idealist to the point where I might be kidding myself that I actually do have My Plan to move myself forward in whatever area of my life needs it?

2. When I say I have a plan, do my actions, words and thoughts match up with My Plan?

3. When I start losing focus, do I reassess, adjust and continue on My Plan?

4.  Have I committed to My Plan in mind, body and soul?

Just thoughts to ask yourself as you get bombarded by life all around you.  What is truly in your heart and soul?  What matters to you most and do you take the steps to maintain you own plan for your life and well-being?

Forget about outside influences and if they truly have a plan.  What's more important is your plan for your own life and then taking action that is in alignment with what means most to you.

If we could all follow our hearts and take action with integrity, together, we can create a beautiful world that is available to all.   I think that is a good plan.

What's your plan? 

To the adventure,

Need help creating Your Plan for your life?  Visit my coaching page at and let's start a conversation.

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