Thursday, February 21, 2013

Persistence Keeps You Moving Forward

Throughout my life, I have had a burning desire to "figure it out".  This has applied to my life in so many ways, from the very personal to a broad scale about the world we live in and the cosmos beyond us.  Yes, I have a very busy mind. I've often been told "You think too much Linda".

Well, fooey. If I did not stay persistent to figure out my own life and to take responsibility for it, I'd just be part of the matrix of individuals accepting "what is" allowing outside influences to tell me how I should look, feel and what to do with my life, which in my opinion is not adding anything new or making any kind of healthy contribution towards positive change.

Persistence is the ability to stay focused on goals despite obstacles and adversity.  It makes us who we are.  Is it easy?  No. It's the ability to press on even when you feel like quitting. 

In my own life, I have always desired to do something meaningful and big.  Big from the standpoint of loving what I do and doing what I love - whatever that meant by honoring my own gifts. Plain and simple. I just always had a weird feeling inside that our daily lives are often full of mindless activity dictated by the way the world supposedly works. Ever take a moment to stop and just breath in the moment while you watch all the busyness continue on around you? It's almost silly and often bizarre.

I've had the naysayers tell me that life is A, B, C (fill in the blanks), or "accept it" or "you're such a dreamer" or "can't you just be happy with __________" and the worst "what's wrong with Linda" just because I lacked something they thought I should have and or believe.  Ouch!

What you must remember is that those comments have nothing to do with you and the desires that burn within your own soul. They are experiences of those individuals which have become their reality (not yours) reflected upon you. I bet that if you asked, there is a dream or some longing desire of their own that they just could not develop or gave up, so they began to believe self-imposed limitations.

All I'm saying is.....PERSISTENCE my friends.  This is where the rubber meets the road. You must stay true to your inner voice and take action. It is your life. You are in charge of the design of what that is for you. Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don't feel motivated to do so. How? By taking action (a movement), you accumulate results which becomes motivation. It's a circular process. Just do it!

So what are you waiting for? No more excuses. Be persistent and keep moving forward!!


To your adventure,

Linda Parker
Owner & Creator
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Need help with persistence to create movement in your life?  Send email to to set up a free discovery consultation.

Click here to read more about the Power of Persistence from The Intelligent Optimist.


  1. Love your post. The funny thing is that my next move forward happened to be: Stop Moving. It did take me 2 years of frequent travels to realize that, but I am glad that I did. I am feeling much better after canceling 2 upcoming trips and making plans to take one more gentle yoga class( I only take one).

    1. Hi Gretta! Thank you for your comment. I totally get what you mean. Although grammatically it may not sound like it makes sense, Stop Moving, is also a form of "taking a move". You took a move to decide that it was time to slow down. Awesome! Enjoy more sacred space of nurturing time for yourself. It always starts with that one step - whatever that step is. Blessings, Linda Parker
