Sunday, November 3, 2013

If You're A Dreamer, Step Up!

If you're a dreamer.... wahoo!  You are full of ideas that are inspiring, you think out of the box to create unique solutions, you think big and in the realm of possibilities and chances are, you're really fun!

Others may not understand your dreamy, lofty thoughts, and who cares; however, if you are not strong in knowing who you are, you may let their opinions squash your dreams. Phooey!!!!

I am in support of those who need to create in order to feel alive; who need to dream and see the beauty in simplicity as well as complexity in order to give life purpose and meaning. To allow others to dictate how you feel, express yourself or make choices is probably the most harmful thing you can do to yourself because you are living out of integrity with yourself.  If you can't love and be who you authentically are, then your spirit will not will eventually wilt and then, sadly, die.

Don't give up!  Don't let your dreams wane by listening to others. Express yourself fully now! Who cares if you look silly. If it makes you laugh, do it. If you makes you feel good, do it. If you lose track of time and can't wipe that silly child-like grin off your face, then do it. Allow yourself to be who you are no matter what age, race, gender

Learning to express yourself will also help you during rough times and often is when you need it most. You will always be able to find joy and purpose in your life if you are expressing who you are. You were not a mistake to be in our world at this very moment and live up to your potential now by having fun expressing who you are right this very moment!  I did......the above is a self-made video that is certainly not perfect or originally intentioned to be used in a blog, but I sure had fun with the creative process.

Are you ready to step up or do you need a healthy push? I offer a FREE 30min Discovery Session over the phone as an opportunity for you to begin to discover your path of health and wellness towards self-expression. If you'd like to schedule a session,visit me here, and let's get the ball rolling! Check out my Event Calendar for additional events and programs such as the Nia Technique, HoopnoticaFitDance and Laughter Club Meetings.

To your soulistic adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

For more information about pathways to move, explore and discover YOU, visit my website at or join my mailing list below or Facebook link above to stay connected!! I teach the Nia Technique HoopnoticaFitDance programs in Westchester County, NY and offer individual holistic lifestyle coaching programs locally and long-distance.

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