Sunday, November 24, 2013

Invest in Your Soul - The Source You Can Count On

Keep looking within.
All you have to really do is take a conscious inventory of what comes "at" you on a daily basis and ask yourself; Is this in my best interest? What is really being expressed here? Is it the truth or is there another motive at hand? Do I have to believe it or have it? Do I have to take part? Does it serve the higher good for others I share my life, community and world with? (as we are all connected and what goes around will and does eventually come around).

When chaos abounds, it's easy to get angry, to ignore, to act in fear, or turn numb and busy yourself with "stuff" that has no meaning other than filling in your time, becoming sarcastic, buying something you really don't need or indulging in something that, if too much, is harmful. If not careful, it can be easy to end up not adding any value and contributing to the chaos ourselves. Ugh!

I believe, now more than ever, it is important to invest in your soul; to put attention on connecting back to your inner guide of truth where you can find comfort, peace, joy, purpose, strength and a voice beyond ego to stand up and take action for the higher good. It's getting back to the root of who you are and learning to trust your instincts so that the strength of who you are and how you engage in life is in your hands despite the unequal disparity an ego-based greed society produces.

How to invest in your soul?

1. Invest in learning about YOU again - No matter how you were born into this world or what has happened along the way, at some point, it's important to realize the responsibility now belongs to you. Get on the path of self-discovery and healing to peal off the layers of outside conditioning in order to find the golden nugget of who you really are. Build that foundation of you. Dig those roots deep. Come back home.

 2. Invest in your Tribe - Your tribe is your inner circle of individuals that "get you" without having to prove anything. It's the people you click with immediately. It's not forced. There are no ulterior motives or conditions to share space and time with you. These are the people that uplift your soul, they believe in you, they are honest with you, they help you move forward with support and love no matter what. It's a mutual respect. Invest your time to seek and nurture your tribe members.

3. Invest in your ability to Discern - Listen to what is being expressed from the outside but practice developing the strength of your inner guide by asking for Guidance and tuning into to answers as best you can so that you can respond and/or take action with as much clarity and integrity as possible. 

4. Invest in being Engaged & Connected - Be engaged in life - listen to current affairs, have discussions, research and seek answers. Take responsibility for your part by participating - not just consuming and misplacing the trust of your well-being on others from a place of insecurity. Move with as much mindfulness and the best of intentions known at the present moment.

I think we (individuals, communities, nations, world) forget that we do not own anything in this world of ours or that we are somehow superior to others. To me, that is foolish and unwise because at any moment in time, at the hands of humans or Mother Nature, what we thought was stable and promised could crumble in an instant... and then what? WHO ARE YOU THEN?

To your soulistic adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

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