Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dancing..... Around the Truth..... or Not

Seriously.  Why do we dance around the truth? Wouldn't it save time and alleviate the build up of stress and years of misdirected pain and suffering if we would just meet our issues straight on!  Why yes.... I believe it would Dear Watson... ha!

Of course, if it were as easy as 1-2-3, we'd all be experts at this, but we are not. We humans are much more complex with emotions, past imprints of false assumptions that replay over and over in our present, and conditioning from our past that often we aren't prepared because we don't have or know what we need at that very moment to take a different road, so we do "the dance".  We do "the dance of pain", "the dance of resentment", "the dance of bitterness", "the dance of anger", "the dance of self-loathing", "the dance of ignore", "the dance of finger-pointing", etc. In my silly mind and imagination, when I think about all these "dances" strung together in a beautifully choreographed piece, it cracks me up!  But from another perspective, let's look at this. Maybe it is the "dance of truth" at that particular place in time - for you. And maybe...that's just, well...absolutely perfect.

You can only show up as you are at that very moment. We are continually developing and growing (if you remain open to change and realize you never know everything).  But "truth"? What is that anyways?  Is it "your truth" or are you influenced by the "truth of others"?  Is it your truth right now based on what you currently know? Are you following your own truth or the truth of someone else lived through you?

What the heck! Stop it! Quit analyzing and just throw up your arms and start dancing....and let YOUR TRUTH unfold.

To your soulistic adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Ready to rediscover 'YOUR DANCE" of truth? For more information about "funky"pathways to move, explore and discover YOU, visit my website at or join my mailing list below or Facebook link above to stay connected!! I offer coaching programs to help you move forward on your path of discovering YOU. To request a FREE 30min Discovery Session via telephone, sign up here.  For find out where I'm teaching the Nia Technique, HoopnoticaFitDance or holding a workshop, visit my Event Calendar.

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