Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 "Sense"able Ways to Deal with Holiday Consumerism Madness

Get Back To Your Senses During the Holidays

Is this you during the Holidays?
How much do we really need?  I mean honestly.  Every year the bombardment of consumerism comes at us earlier than the year before.  Isn't our economy still floundering and aren't we all feeling the pinch?  If we fall to the lure of believing everything we hear, then why are we also running out the door and buying, buying, buying? It's confusing, isn't it?  I refuse to believe that we are all mindless individuals, so why have our senses become de-"sense"itized with this consumerism madness we experience every Holiday Season?

It's sad to see the news reporting how people line up the night before to get into a store and then, heaven forbid, witness people stampeding over each other to grab this stuff.  Have we all gone mad?!  Where is the common sense here?  Is this stuff going to make our lives better?

I know I look like that lady above some days because I get frustrated and overwhelmed by all of this in my face.  Could be that I walk through it every morning on my way to work in Manhattan down 5th Avenue and through Rockefeller Center, but no matter where you live, the craziness is there. 

Here are just a few thoughts of mine to share that may help get your senses back during the Holidays in case you share the same feelings as I:

1.  Listen to your own voice.  What messages are you listening to?  Who said you had to buy that?  Who said that was good for you? Who said this is how it has to be?  Listen to your own voice and determine what's right for you.  Don't believe everything you hear. Trust your inner voice.

2.  Be tasteful.  Watch out for buying a tasteless gift that has nothing to do with anything other than fulfilling some requirement of  "I've got to get a gift."  Often the simplest gestures are the most meaningful.  If overburdening yourself with time commitments, tastily decline an invitation. It was nice to be included, but you know better than anyone else if you are overdoing it and risking your well-being.  Follow-up at another time when you will be able to be more present. (ha! get it)

3.  Take a step back and look around.   Before stepping into the madness of the holiday momentum or if you are already caught in it, step back and be still.  Notice the beauty that already surrounds you and ask yourself, what do you really need?  How do you wish to partake in the holiday season and then create the experience that's meaningful and true to your needs, values and desires.
4.  If it doesn't smell right, leave it alone.  You know what I mean.  If someone is selling you a song and dance and your picking up the smell..... walk away.  Stay true to your instincts.

5.  Engage if it feels right.  Does it touch your heart? Does it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside or provoke a fond memory from the past.  Don't deny yourself to feel good.  Enjoy and live in the moment, but you decide based on how you feel. 
Juggling the holidays with your senses grounded.

The most precious and meaningful things are often intangible.

To the adventure,

Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Interested in living a "sense"able lifestyle?  Check out my Soulistic Coaching Programs here.

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