Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Symbol of Support and Adventure: My 4-Wheeled Companion's Anniversary

Fyt Phyllis...Love and support at first sight!
Perhaps silly, but who cares. I believe thoughts and feelings are sensed to give us messages, otherwise, we wouldn't be sensing them, right? The fact remains, whether you feel like you made it up or not, the experience exists or existed, so now it's just a matter of what you do with it.  Dismiss it or gain insight from it. 

My spiritual awareness and cause to live my purpose stepped into high gear back in Dec 2011. During the first part of 2012, I began to move my life forward towards my vision through the support of several key individuals and my own efforts and perseverance of bringing forth my vision through creative processes and mindful application to root my ideas into earthbound reality and formation.  Along the way, in April of last year, my 4-wheeled companion, a Mazda3, showed up and has since been carting me around assisting me along the journey of my own soulistic adventure and the further development of my business, Soulistic Adventures.

So here's the story:  

I had just picked up my new car the day before I was scheduled to represent myself as Soulistic Adventures at a booth at a holistic health fair. On my way to celebrate after the fair, a friend of mine asked what I named the car. I laughed as I've never done that before, but jokingly replied she's Fyt Phyllis (you will know why fit is misspelled as you read on). Oddly, when I got the car, the license plate did indeed have the letters "FYT" on it. My life has been all about fitness, so right off the bat, I knew this was "to be". Coincidence? Let's move on....

A couple days later, I asked myself... why did I choose "Phyllis" and I kept mumbling the name over and over and then it dawned on me while brushing my teeth one morning.  OMG! I thought out loud.  It's Dad! It's my Dad who moved on to the heavens over 6 years ago - his name was Philip....and this is his way of showing me that he is here to support me on my journey of purpose. You see, my Dad was a very quiet man, however, he supported me the way he could and often it was simply shown by driving me around to all my gymnastic classes and competitions and then later, to the mall where I worked at a clothing store while in high school before I had my driver's license. He may not have known what to say or do, but I knew he meant well and I was always glad and thankful he was there.

Real or not, the symbolism touches my heart and chuckles my soul every time I get in the car and "get moving" to create, explore, show up and connect as I pursue to live my dream, follow my purpose, and to build upon my passion to bring what I can offer to you through Soulistic Adventures. You see, I gave up my car back in 1996 when I moved to New York City from Los Angeles after a painful divorce and so getting a car again was huge and a turning point for me as I began this next chapter of my life.  No more pain, I vowed.  Only moving into the direction of my dreams.

Fyt Phyllis is a symbol of freedom, exploration and support all rolled up in one and deserves a big shout out!  Happy Anniversary Fyt Phyllis and thank you for supporting my life's soulistic adventure!  We've only just begun!

What messages have you received that symbolizes support for you?

To your adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

Need support on your soulistic adventure?  Check out my coaching and body moves programs at and keep moving forward to live a life that is meaningful and true to you!


  1. Dear Linda! All our thoughts wich are said non-material are real and material in a way. Dream material and our desires are material cause & basis to obtain a material object. Sometimes writing poetry I do not think of words, they come themselves from outside like from the wold bank of information. I even think our thoughts are thought impulsese. Nevertheless You look nice, perfect and great against a new Mazda 3 car.

  2. Thank you for your comments. I presume that as long as we keep a child-like sense of curiosity and wonderment about ourselves and the world we live in, we can have fun and take great pleasure, find release or healing in expressing our experiences through our own versions of creativity. Keep on moving!!
