Thursday, April 18, 2013

What Will You Do When You Grow Up?

Then (me as a child)
Now (me as adult)
Remember being asked that question at different points in your life? For some of us this same question still comes up as adults perhaps from sarcastic individuals who don't believe in your aspirations or even from our own selves as we make light of being in a place at this time in our lives where we pose this same question; all with a slight chuckle but with a twinge of angst.

In all seriousness, think about it. Somewhere deep inside you may be asking yourself this question because you now find yourself wondering "What have I done with my life?", "Why am I not happy?", or  "I really wish I became (blank) rather than (blank)", "Why did I follow pain instead of joy to appease someone else?", "What is this day to day existence about anyways?"

Maybe, just maybe......if you went back to that time in your life when you had no concept of worrying about anything else except BEING a child, expressing yourself through activities you naturally gravitated towards because you loved it, you were good at it and it made you happy that that would be your answer as to what you will do when you grow up.

Not a typical career path when you get "older"? Says who?.... "out there?".. so create it! Make it happen!  If more people would do what they love, it would support and nurture the greater good of humanity towards a more balanced state of health, well-being and prosperity for ALL. You were born with a natural gift and talent specifically to be shared with others.  You were not a mistake - you have a purpose.  We are not robots last I checked. We have feelings, emotions and a soul driven with purpose. 

So, don't make life harder. Be a part of change by following your childlike spirit of authenticity by going back to that place of uninhibited expression and take complete ownership of YOU - now that is growing up!


To your adventure,

Linda Parker
Creator & Founder
Soulistic Adventures, LLC

JOIN ME IN THE MOVEMENT to create a world driven by love, passion and purpose vs. fear, control and greed. 

My programs are to serve the process of helping individuals find their authenticity by encouraging positive growth and movement through the body, mind and soul. Experiences are unique to each individual providing healing, expression and inspiration to keep moving forward on their path to purpose.  For more info, visit

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