Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lining Things Up!
Creating a Dream While Tolerating Other Areas in Your Life
Taken Jan 2012 - by Yonkers Train Station - Yonkers, NY
My current day-to-day during the week is at a full-time job that is a big time downer and over the disappointing years of any kind of improvement (in fact it's gotten more absurd),  it has dwindled down to it's "just a paycheck" and for how long? -  that is even questionable!  I know this is a familiar state for many, and sometimes, we do have to grin and bear it, however, in the long run, I refuse to "settle" if my heart yearns for more and if I have the power to change things, I will.  When all attempts fail to make a current situation better and it's out of your control, then you simply have to make a decision then take steps to move on. 

So what do you do when you have a dream, but you still have to be tolerating a little bit longer? 

You line things up!

Below are five important first steps that I've taken and that may help you to line things up for yourself:

1.  MAKE A DECISION -  At this point, you've already felt the warning signs, the pain, the disappointment, the feeling that something is not quite right, or a burning desire to do something else.  It's time to make a decision - no more whining, getting depressed, angry or frustrated - be honest with yourself, dig deep into your heart and decide what you want.

2.  DAILY LEANS TOWARDS YOUR GOAL - no matter how large or small, take one daily action step that leans you towards your goal.  Even if your day is still at a 99% toleration level - so you give 1% towards an action that will support your goal.  Another day, you'll be able to give more and it will build and build.  Whatever it is - just do it, giving yourself credit and self-compassion during the process.  Before you know you it, you'll be nudging up to your goal.   

3.  KEEP INTEGRITY - honor your decision that you made to yourself - keep in alignment by keeping integrity with actions that support your goal.  Remember the goal is to support you - when at all possible, choose the action that will move you towards your goal - not away from it. There is no perfect or 100% at all times - but more often than not, strive for choices that support you and your goal.

4.  KEEP TRACK - Keep a file, notebook, folder, "to do" list - whatever you choose - but some kind of system that helps keep you on track.  This will get more intense as your goal becomes more and more of a reality and when the percentage of time you are able to devote to your goal shifts to the positive.

5.  WHEN IT GETS TOUGH, BE REAL & STAY TRUE - When the tolerating situation gets the best of you (and it will some days), remember that you are on the right track.  Look in your notebook, your folder, at your "to do" list and remember that you just happened to slip at that moment.  You are on the right track, you are leaning towards your goal on a daily basis, and the pendulum is indeed shifting to your favor.

Hudson River - Yonkers, NY (Jan 2012)
(couldn't resist!)

To the adventure,

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