Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Vision

My Vision Board - Created Dec 2011
Visions are Clues to Your Inner Self

Yes, folks - there it is!  My Vision Board.  It was so big (almost 4ft x 3ft), I had to paste two large boards together and honestly, it still was not enough space!  I have a tendency to be a very big dreamer.

So, my journey to create Soulistic Adventures began to take shape and form by creating this vision board.  I worked on this feverishly in one day (as I have a natural and sometimes annoying tendency to obsess over something until I get it done - especially if it's something I love to do) - but I digress (I do that a lot too) - ha!

For years, I have accumulated thoughts on paper, even tiny pieces of paper when an idea struck - grasping for a writing utensil and finding whatever I could to write my ideas on - notepads, post-it notes, corners of paper bags, napkins, formal typed versions of concepts on the computer, written versions, words, phrases, pictures I cut out from magazines or any printed material that struck my fancy.  My ideas are all thrown into a folder and it's quite interesting to see how my concepts and ideas have changed over the years when I take the time to sit down and look through it all.  

One thing I noticed, however, when looking through this folder was that I always had an underlying theme about being well from the inside out.  I was always interested in the core inner being of a person and knew in my heart that if that was healthy then all the outside obsessions that our culture dwells upon would be healthy too.

My biggest struggle was putting together my voice in a cohesive way that would make sense to share it with the world and to create a sound business structure to function successfully and professionally.   So, I finally focused BIG TIME on this particular project - to seriously take the time to put my ideas all together in one place visually so I could bring my vision from words, ideas and thoughts to a visual format - a visual format all in one place that gives it an even bigger life and an opportunity to receive clarity.  

This process of making ideas visualized is very powerful.  It's a clear way to define your intentions - to make them real.  By seeing it this way, I was able to see my feelings in some form of structure, and I was finally able to begin defining  my vision and my voice. It also helped me to do some mind-mapping (a future blog topic).  Even now, I still tweak my plan as the board provides constant feedback when I get stuck or when I read back my written thoughts and compare it to what I see to check if it's in alignment with my voice.  I was also able to develop my business name and logo by staring at it for inspiration and drafting out my sketches and ideas.  Cool, right!

My vision board is still hanging up, and I look at it all the time.  Sometimes I happen to brush by it giving me a playful childlike grin as it reminds me that I'm  "tuning" in to myself and realizing my dream day by day.  Sometimes I just stand in front of it pausing to breathe it in, reading every word and noticing every single detail as it recaps my heart and provides another window into my soul bringing excitement for the future and tears of joy.  I will keep it up for who knows how long as it remains an inspiration - a starting point on my path to bring my idea to life and to deliver my dream to you.  

So, I would encourage all of you to create your version of a Vision Board.  Be creative - make it yours.... and please note that it does not have to be for a business plan, it could be what you want in a relationship, what you want your home to look and feel like, what vacation you want to go on, what you want your life to look and feel like....whatever you are feeling and desire - or simply to have fun and ENJOY!  It helps give life to your thoughts which in turn creates a reality towards your dreams and further insight into who you are.

Vision boards are truly a window into your soul.

To the adventure,

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