Monday, March 26, 2012

Take Time to Play

Well, I knew it would happen.  I burned myself out.  I hit my own wall recently.  We all do it to yourselves, don't we?  In our busy world, we all have a tendency to go, go, go.... in my case, when I am enthused and passionate about something, I typically put 200% into what I do, working relentlessly, with focus and detail.  I have to be honest, I don't know when to stop sometimes and then, I too, seek out something playful to do to re-balance myself and to come back refreshed, alert and ready to go. 

So, what do you do when you feel yourself beginning to short circuit? - you know....when you feel the tingling of nerve endings below the surface of your skin, your digestive system tightening up into a knot or simply feeling exhausted leaving little space for calm rational thought, so you start snapping real easily (and not being proud of it)....


 1.   Observe your natural surroundings such as playful dolphins in the ocean - carefree, enjoying the elements, and going with the flow.   Just watching nature at it's best can stimulate a sense of joy and in turn breathe new life into seeking out a fun activity for yourself.

Play like the dolphin!

2.  Take a spur of the moment trip.  Get in the car, step on the gas and just go.  Exploring new places and seeing different surroundings is a great way to play and experience that child-like sense of discovery.  

3.   Move your body - but choose something playful that you did when you were younger to bring out the child-like joyful quality of playing, being creative and having  pure fun.

You are never too old to hula hoop!

4.  Giggle until you wiggle - In other words, LAUGH and LAUGH WELL until your abs feel sore.  Allow laughter to help you shake the tension away and lighten your load.  A good belly laugh is a great outlet - gets the blood flowing and is just a great overall feel good playful experience that is available anytime and anywhere.

There are many, many more examples, but guess what?   I need to go out and play!!

To the adventure,

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